Over 20 years of website development
Below is sample cross section of the wide variety of websites that we have designed and developed. Since the mid 1990’s our team have actually completed over 6,500+ website projects, from small microsites to larger Content Managed websites to eCommerce websites and large-scale custom PHP development web applications.
Due to the fact that over 90% of all the websites we build are outsourced to us from other agencies, we are unable to showcase most of our website development work, so here are just a few examples for some of our direct clients.
QUICK LINKS: WordPress showcase | Magento showcase | MODX showcase
WordPress websites
We have built several hundred WordPress CMS websites. Here are just a few examples:
Hatton Adventure World
WordPress – www.hattonworld.com/adventure-world
WordPress – www.tactcare.org.uk
WooCommerce & WordPress – www.illustries.com
Stockeld Park
WordPress – www.stockeldpark.co.uk
Snowstar Consulting
WordPress – www.snowstarconsulting.com
TMP Worldwide
WordPress – www.tmpw.co.uk
WordPress – www.ukandoo.com
Sundown Adventureland
WordPress – www.sundownadventureland.co.uk
Property Hawk
WordPress – www.propertyhawk.co.uk
Do Fostering
WordPress – www.dofostering.com
British Association of Stroke Physicians
WordPress – www.basp.ac.uk
The Sloaney
WordPress – www.thesloaney.com
WordPress – www.blooloop.com
Tallents Solicitors
WordPress – www.tallents.co.uk
Magento eCommerce websites
We have built over 50 Magento eCommerce websites using Magento 1 & 2. Here are just a few examples:
Anderson Trade
Magento – www.anderson-trade.co.uk
Bunker Mentality
Magento – www.bunker-mentality.com
Ice Locker
Magento – www.icelocker.co.uk
House of Brass
Magento – www.houseofbrass.co.uk
Five57 Sportsgear
Magento – www.five57sportsgear.com
H2O Hot Tubs
Magento – www.h2ohottubs.co.uk
Magento – www.kathryns.co.uk
Dishwashers Direct
Magento – www.dishwashers-direct.com
MODX CMS websites
We have built over 100 MODX CMS websites in both MODX Evolution and the newer MODX Revolution. Here are just a few examples:
Nexus Fostering
MODX – www.nexusfostering.co.uk
Transport A Tub
MODX – www.transportatub.co.uk
The Association of British Neurologists
MODX – www.theabn.org
Express Recruitment
Nottingham CityCare
Double Downies
MODX – www.doubledownies.com
Jack Kent Services
MODX – www.jackkentservices.co.uk
MODX – www.alway.co.uk
Bespoke Ticketing solutions
We have built several bespoke ticketing solutions in partnership with Gateway Ticketing. Here are just a few examples:
Kidzania London – Tickets
Bespoke – ticket.kidzania-london.co.uk
Detroit Zoo – Tickets
Bespoke – ticketstore.detroitzoo.org
The Crystal Maze Live – Tickets
Bespoke – ticket.the-crystal-maze.com
Call us now on 0115 941 7213 for a friendly chat about your website or marketing project.
Tel: +44 (0)115 941 7213
Email: hello@kukidigital.com
Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9am - 6pm